What does Wiseplay Premium include?
The Premium version of Wiseplay does not contain ads of any kind, forever, on any device where you log in with the same account with which you make the payment. It is only valid for the platform from which the payment is made, meaning that if you purchase it on Google Play it is not valid for Apple and vice versa. Important: “embed” links can show some type of advertisement since they are web pages that are being loaded in the internal browser of the system, that advertising depends on theFew readersWhy are there ads after I upgraded to Premium?
The first thing to check is if you are logged in with more than one Google account, the app may be opening with an account from which you do not have the payment assigned. To do this, uninstall the app, open Google Play and in the left side menu, choose the correct account with which you made the purchase, once selected, reinstall the app and open the application. To make sure you're using the premium version, in the side menu, you'll see that the "Remove ads" option does not appear, in additiFew readersHow can I purchase the Premium version with no ads?
Use the side menu, click on “Remove Ads” and follow the steps.Few readersDoes the Premium version include any content?
No, it does not include any content. It only allows to use the application without ads forever.Few readers